
The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Drama is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book provides an overview of the grand narrative of the Bible, showing how God’s action in the world gives meaning to our lives and provides us with a foundation for our actions. The authors’ bestselling textbook, The Drama of Scripture, presented this message for a student audience. It was then abridged and published at a more popular level as The True Story of the Whole World. This revised...

biblical story describes this world as a marvelous home prepared for humankind, a place in which men, women, and children may live and thrive and enjoy the intimate presence and companionship of the Creator himself. The creation stories of Genesis are argumentative. They claim to tell the truth about the world, flatly contradicting other pagan stories common in the ancient world. Israel was constantly tempted to adopt these other idolatrous stories as the basis
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